I sincerely hope you are enjoying this time of downing school tools and that those who can are taking the chance to get outside (or if you’re lucky, away) to connect with nature. If you’re like me you are probably looking forward to time away from screens, however, if you are interested in some opportunities to learn more about nature/river health/nature play for professional or personal reasons (for you or for your own children) there are several great opportunities circling at present . . . .
- The Victoria Nature Festival kicked off earlier this week and will run until Sunday 26th September. Join in to participate in some of the more than 80 events and experiences. You can view the full program here
- Melbourne launch of film ‘The River Moorabool’
Check out the trailer for the film and join the free online screening and Q&A session this Thursday 23rd September from 12.30 to 2pm.
See the flyer for the event and register to participate here
- Nature Play in Primary Schools
Join a free online session presented by the Kids In Nature Network to find out how you can incorporate nature play into your school program. See flyer below and head to Eventbrite to register.