Environment Education Victoria are hosting three free online workshops during August and September to help teachers embed sustainability across the F-10 curriculum. EEV extend an invitation to all River Detectives schools to take part.
All three topics are extremely relevant but I’d like to highlight Workshop 2 as a great introduction to the eDNA technology that will be employed during ‘The Great Australian Platypus Search’. This is a wonderful citizen-science opportunity that we are very close to announcing to you all. When the program launches schools across the state can nominate to be involved but many River Detectives schools will have the chance to jump on board first with sites having been reserved for you. More details soon.
The River Detectives program is very pleased to be collaborating with EEV for Workshop 3 to highlight the great learning outcomes associated with macroinvertebrate sampling and the resources on offer to help you get involved with your students. It will offer viewpoints from a facilitator, teacher and students. Catering for schools who are new to waterbugs it will be a great refresher for any River Detectives schools (and being held in September the timing is perfect to remind you to dive in and give macro sampling a go).
For more details and to register see the flyer;
SPP Workshop Promo Flyer Jul 2021 FINAL_compressed