Spring is one of the BEST times to sample for waterbugs. What better way to re-engage your students than learning about waterbugs – a topic/activity that is endlessly fun and helps to tie concepts of water quality and river health/flora/fauna together.
Whether you have students back in your classroom or continue to be remote learning we hope this matrix offers some inspiration for you and your students. * please adhere to covid restrictions in your area and take note of the general safety advice on the matrix for sample collection procedures *
Feel free to use this resource as much or as little as you like, now or when it suits you at a later date. It is housed within the Dive Deeper tab of the River Detectives website (login required).
If you would like to borrow bug sampling equipment, contact your regional River Detectives coordinator and ask about the process. If you would like to set up your own kit, instructions have now been added to the website.