We are excited to let you know that our two great programs are coming together for a trial this year and if you are a ResourceSmart school there’ll be benefits for you!
RSS facilitators across the state have been given River Detectives training and will be making themselves available to help run RD incursions in schools that are registered with BOTH ResourceSmart Schools and River Detectives.
There are a raft of synergies between the two programs so this partnership makes total sense. If you are involved in both programs, River Detectives activities can help you tick off actions in the water, biodiversity and even waste modules. And there are opportunities to receive multiple visits from RSS facilitators on a range of sustainability topics that will inevitably relate to River Detectives content and help you tie everything together.
We are putting together a document to highlight the links between RSS and RD to ease the workload for you. You can also watch this 40min webinar recorded last year highlighting the links Dive Deeper with River Detectives – Sustainability in Schools Month 2023 (youtube.com)
To book a River Detectives incursion, speak with your regional River Detectives coordinator; Nicole (North Central CMA), Bec (Corangamite CMA), Jeanie (Wimmera CMA), Blair (North East CMA) or Marita (Melbourne Water). To receive extra support/visits from your local RSS facilitator contact them directly:
Inga Hamilton: Grampians Ed Dept region inga.hamilton@sustainability.vic.gov.au
Emily Condon: Loddon-Mallee Ed Dept region Emily.condon@sustainability.vic.gov.au
Leah Martini: Hume Ed Dept region Leah.Martini@sustainability.vic.gov.au
Tammy Logan: Bass Coast Tammy.Logan@sustainability.vic.gov.au
Simone Taylor: Gippsland Ed Dept region simone.taylor@sustainability.vic.gov.au
Annette Anderson: Melbourne’s outer east a.anderson@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
If you are not currently a RSS school (you do need to be a ‘school’) we would encourage you to consider it. Maintaining active registration is as easy as having only ONE interaction with the RSS website per year and your involvement in RD will do this easily!! To register for RSS visit ResourceSmart Schools | Sustainability Victoria.