Looking to kill two birds with the one stone ? Term 3 is full of environmental events that link perfectly to the River Detectives program ! There are lots of opportunities to get involved and relate your learning to real life events in your community and beyond. Here’s some support to kick-start your planning for the months of July and August . . . .
- NAIDOC Week; The timing was tricky in the holidays but if you are wanting to follow up on the event with more learning about the importance of waterways to Traditional Custodians there are some great videos and links at the River Detectives website
- Plastic Free July; Come up with an action plan to reduce your plastic waste at school and home with resources at the Plastic Free July website. At the River Detectives website you will find lots of great videos to explore the impact of plastics on our waterways with students;
There are some great picture story books to explore the topic such as ‘Louie and Snippy Save The Sea’ or encourage your students to write their own . . Rubbish in the River (riverdetectives.net.au)
- National Tree Day; Schools Tree Day is coming up on Friday 29th July followed by National Tree Day (for community) on Sunday 31st July. Are you sprucing up some gardens at school or maybe you’re working with a local Landcare/Friends group on some revegetation ? If you are after some resources to enhance / replace a planting event head to the toolkit tab of the Tree Day website for activity sheets and lesson plans. From the River Detectives website you might be interested in;
- Platypus month (August); With the results of the 2021 Great Australian Platypus Search due for imminent release it’s a great time to learn more about these elusive creatures. Check out these resources from the River Detectives website;
Don’t forget we love to see what you’re up to. Leave a comment below or even better, send your regional coordinator photos/work samples so we can share good ideas with other River Detectives schools !