This year National Water Week will be celebrated from 19-25th October with the theme of Reimagining Our Water Future.
Population growth and our changing climate will put more stress on our water resources. How can we reimagine the way we use and reuse water to ensure there’s enough of it in the future? What can we do as individuals and as communities to inspire a more sustainable water future?
Water industry organisations are teaming up with the Australian Water Association and calling for primary school students to enter the annual poster competition. Posters can be made the traditional way or as an innovative IT project.
What a great activity for students to get their teeth into in the remote learning situation ! Challenge your students to use this video from Coliban Water for inspiration, interpret the theme in their own way and get creative.
The River Detectives August activity matrix released recently looks at Urban Stormwater and the innovative ways it can be used as a valuable resource. It ties in nicely with the NWW theme and might be useful for ideas too. . . .
Entries close 5 pm, Friday 11 September 2020.
Depending on your location, access the following websites for more details and entry information;
GWM Water, City West Water or Westernport Water