Just sharing some news from the wider environmental education network that may interest you . . . .
The 2022 Victoria Nature Festival is being held September 12-25 with a huge array of activities offered in person and online across the state. You may like to promote this to your students/families via your school newsletter . . . . the impressive program can be found here.

Results from the Great Australian Platypus Search have been released this week communicating eDNA data collected by thousands of passionate community members, Waterwatch volunteers, schools and River Detectives. Whether you participated or not, the project is a great example of the innovative technology being used in citizen science and the results map found here provides a valuable resource for discussion and learning about the plight of our platypus.
Note; Negative results can be viewed by clicking the top left button on the map and selecting the box beside “GAPS Results: Negative detections”
To view the results in full-screen, click the square in the top right corner of the map.