Warm greetings to you all on this chilly day,
Fingers crossed this current lockdown is short and sharp and that you are all coping ok with the dynamic and fluid situation we find ourselves in.
The Birds In Backyards newsletter arrived in my inbox yesterday and there were so many good ideas for value adding to the River Detectives program I couldn’t resist sharing – particularly now in remote learning when you may be looking for some gentle, engaging content for your students that they can enjoy just as easily at home as at school. Bird surveying is another great citizen science tool to build a picture of environmental health near you – and it’s really easy with the App that’s available.
So here is the adapted newsletter;
It’s Winter Survey Time!
** A 20 minute bird survey is a great activity for home/school, local bushland/waterway
Snuggle up and survey – don’t let the chilly temperatures derail some fantastic birding!
Join our Birds in Backyards surveys this Winter and let us know who is visiting your garden. 20 mins and some information about your garden helps to understand our local birds and gives us invaluable insight into their daily lives. We’ve got details here.
** PD opportunity for teachers . . .
If you are new to surveying, want to find out how to take part and why these surveys are important, join us for a free webinar on Wed June 9 at 7pm (AEST). Remember the Birdata web portal and app automatically gives you a list of 30 birds from your region to help get you started on your surveying journey – you don’t need to be an expert.
Bird Quizzes

Check out the Aussie Backyard Bird Count website and take part in some of our new fun quizzes. Test your birding knowledge, take an identification challenge – and if you have ever wondered which Aussie bird best matches your personality – now you can find out!
Are you a free spirited and eccentric Regent Honeyeater, or a travelling Eastern Curlew with a taste for seafood? Maybe you are an Australian White Ibis: loud, proud, strong and brave, but you can also be misunderstood and don’t always get the respect you deserve.
Have a bit of fun – and issue the challenge to your family and friends too.