Happy World Turtle Day. As well as being Saltwatch Week we also have World Turtle Day today – a busy week!
On Monday we had five schools across the state take the opportunity to join the Ask the Expert session with Graham Stockfeld of Turtles Australia. They had a great time learning about the three turtles Graham works to protect, the Eastern Long Neck, Murray River Short Neck and Broad Shell turtle (as all seen in the image below) and even created some cut outs to show the difference in their body and neck size. The students also had lots of great questions ranging from what to do if they see a turtle out of it’s habitat, to diet and also their main predator (the fox). Graham showed students their nests and what he uses to protect them from foxes.
We encourage you to visit Turtles Australia website where they have some great videos. If you have any questions about Turtles please type them below and maybe some students/schools who joined in can help answer or share the favourite things they learnt.
Note: Please think about joining in our next Ask the Expert session on Tuesday 5 June 11.30am on platypus (link under the What’s happening page on the website). It is easy to join and gives your students new knowledge and a chance to ask questions of someone else.