Hello everyone,
The North Central CMA is a hosting the Campaspe Carp Catch event, Sunday 25 October 2015.
This event is being held in partnership with Axedale Our Town – Our Future, Strathallan Family Landcare Group, Echuca Moama Landcare Group, Rochester & District Angling Club, Elmore Angling Club and Dja Dja Wurrung.
It is an opportunity to spend an afternoon fishing along the Campaspe River for the invasive carp to improve the ecosystem health of the waterway.
An introduced freshwater fish species (Cyprinus carpio), commonly known as (European) carp, are a major component of the Murray—Darling Basin’s fish population causing significant damage to rivers, wetlands and the natural environment. With your help, we can give our native fish a chance by reducing the number of carp in the Campaspe River.
There will be a fishing competition for registered participants with two categories: 0-15 and Open.
Fantastic prizes will be awarded in each age category for:
S Best Catch
S Biggest Bag
For more infomration about the event, please go to: http://www.nccma.vic.gov.au//Media_and_Events/Events/index.aspx?itemDetails=8749&objectType=kms
I look forward to seeing you there!