River Detectives 2023 Annual Report

Celebrate the 2023 achievements of schools across all five participating regions of Victoria as they learn about our precious waterways and catchments. For previous reports, contact riverdetectives@nccma.vic.gov.au

Waterbirds and Farm Dams brochure

This guide can help landholders understand the habitat requirements of waterbirds to create or enhance a water body to attract native fauna. This has the added benefits of improving water quality and adding a valuable natural asset to the property.

Enhancing Farm Dams brochure

Farm dams can serve dual purposes as water supply for stock/households as well as important refuges for native fauna. Use this guide to learn how to enhance dams to conserve the ‘Magnificent Six’ – a group of threatened floodplain specialist fish on the brink of extinction in the southern Murray-Darling Basin. These species are southern […]

Of Dragons and Damsels articles

Wombat Forestcare have published two excellent articles over several editions showcasing dragonflies and damselflies with some great information and gorgeous images. Part 1 Dragonflies: March 2023 edition, pages 4-6 Part 2 Damselflies: June 2023 edition, pages 3-5

Frank Steele’s volunteer video story

To celebrate the Waterwatch Program’s 30th anniversary, Frank Steele shares why he has enjoyed volunteering as a water quality monitor for the past 11 years.  His story highlights the value in monitoring intermittent waterways and collecting photos, even in dry times, as a way of tracking change over time and measuring climate change.  To read […]

Pesticide Watch

In 2024 some schools will value add to their monthly water quality monitoring by opting in to participate in Pesticide Watch, a nation-wide program run by Brady Hamilton at Deakin University helping communities identify pesticides in their local waterways through citizen-science. Find out more by watching this video, reading this guide or watching this webinar […]

Presentation Template

Teachers and students can edit this River Detectives slideshow template to present content, share findings, showcase photos or present projects internally in class, at school assemblies or information evenings OR externally for award nominations, forum presentations, etc. It can be used at in-person or shared on screen during online events.

School stories from the North Central CMA region

Be inspired by the way schools in the north central region are implementing the program; Daylesford Dharma School (2023) and Bridgewater PS (2022). To view a video featuring Bridgewater Primary School’s River Detectives story click here.