Murray Darling Basin maps

Parts of northern Victoria are part of the Murray Darling Basin, a huge area of eastern Australia that drains water into the Murray and Darling river systems and supports biodiversity, towns and agriculture. For the basin’s boundary click here or to watch a great video on the Murray Darling basin click here.

Kayaking the sickest urban river in Australia video

Join Beau Miles as he kayaks 23kms along Cooks River in Sydney over 4 days reflecting on it’s interesting past, it’s disturbing present and it’s hopeful future.  An eye-opening journey about the plight of our littered urban waterways in modern society.  ** Language warning ** Be aware some language will not be appropriate for younger […]

Landholders banding together for a healthier Coliban Catchment

A group of Drummond landholders are working together to help improve Kangaroo Creek, as part of  the North Central CMA’s ‘A Healthy Coliban Catchment’ project. The project is working with locals to improve water quality and biodiversity of a catchment that provides drinking water for 130,000 people.

Healthy Coliban Catchment Project River Health Snapshots

Gauge the health of waterways in the Healthy Coliban Catchment project area using this compilation of water quality and water bug data collected by citizen-scientists. You can also view and compare the 2022 or 2021 reports.

River Moorabool movie

the River Moorabool was made by People for A Living Moorabool (PALM) and Sheoaks Films.  It features local landowners, scientists, and healthy river advocates and explores the consequences of water demands on the Moorabool River, particularly in the face of climate change. At 48mins in length it is a compelling watch for senior students to promote […]

Desert Lake – The Story of Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre picture book

It’s raining up north and soon everything will change for the desert lake. The dry salt bed of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre shimmers in the desert heat. But far up north, the rains have come. Water is flooding into empty riverbeds and swirling down towards the lake. Soon everything will change. Although Lake Eyre is far […]