We are thrilled to release the recording of our recent chat with senior wildlife ecologist Josh Griffiths about all things platypus.
Huge thanks to students of Epsom PS (North Central CMA region), Skipton PS (Corangamite CMA region), Mitta Mitta PS (North East CMA region) and Cornish College (Melbourne Water area) for pre-submitting their insightful questions that kept Josh on his toes.
The recording goes for just under one hour so use it to suit your class best; watch it in sections or watch the lot, watch it soon or watch it when it fits best with your learning. It’s very interesting and full of visuals so will suit most age groups.
The recording is in the Dive Deeper tab whenever you need it ! Take a sneak preview here
Feel free to leave a comment after viewing – we’d love to know what you thought !