Don’t forget to sign up for our virtual learning session next week to celebrate World Environment Day (Tuesday 5 June 11.30am). We will have Tiana Preston from Melbourne Water to answer your questions, please sign up by Friday 1 June.
If you have already signed up don’t forget to produce your poster of facts out of recycled materials and also send your questions to ASAP.
In the Resource River Bank I have recently added beautiful colouring sheets produced by Melbourne Water, including one of a platypus. Use this one and don’t forget to check out the others.
P.S. Thanks to the 18 schools across the state who have been to their site and entered data, we would love there to be more of you out there monitoring and recording your data on your local waterway. If you need any help please let us know, or if you have collected data but haven’t yet added it if you can do so soon that would be fantastic. Hopefully this recent rain will mean some waterways will now have water in them to test!
And thanks to Skipton PS for sharing their recent visit on Billabong Banter – don’t forget to get on and share news with each other.