Bug watch in September cancelled due to river rising 2+ metres overnight. Had another go November 9th and results amazing. Most of the “sensitive” bugs present. (Caddis Fly, Stone Fly, Mayfly, Shrimps etc. This supported the Water Testing over the course of the year which is consistently excellent on all criteria (PH, Salinity, Turbity). Students observation and problem solving skills developed well over year. The test site is in the Coliban River below the Reservoir, behind the Cricket Ground – an easy walk from the School. We had discussed whether the constant 3-5megalitre per day “passing flow” would affect water quality but testing indicated this was not so. CMA undertook major willow removal from River 8 years ago, resulting in the maintenance of permanent pools even if river “turned off” in some summers. Platypus and Water rats are back and thriving. Mosquito fish in plague numbers.
We feel so lucky that our River Detectives have access to this site. Students have engaged in revegetation along the banks since 2008 and initial trees now 10 meters plus. 300 poas and shrubs planted 2016 on Jute matting which washed away in the September flood.Students most upset but plants survived. Have started seed collection and propagation, particularly Woolly titree and Riverine Callistemons. Student interest and engagement a joy to watch.